Season 2, Episode 5: Show Notes.
The year 2022 is undeniably an interesting time to be a surgeon. Rapidly advancing technology combined with an explosive rate of newer and safer surgical techniques has made it almost impossible for surgeons to stay abreast of all options available. Osso VR CEO and Founder Justin Barad calls this the 'exploration trap' and joins us today to discuss how he has dedicated his career to tackling this problem and revolutionizing how surgeons train and prepare for surgery.
In this episode, we explore the challenges surgeons face around the world and how Osso VR is inspiring healthcare professionals at scale through virtual training experiences that accelerate learning and drive adoption. You’ll also hear Justin reflect on his varied career, what it was like pivoting from game design to medical school, and how it all led him to the founding of Osso VR. Make sure you tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
“Training repeatedly over time is a way to maximize retention and minimize what's called ‘the forgetting curve.’” — Justin Barad [0:11:21]
“Startups are an exercise in failure. It is daily micro failures, and every now and then a major failure. That is what prunes the tree, and finds product-market fit, and finds this glowing core that is scalable, and that you can use to solve the problem.” — Justin Barad [0:26:15]
“I think when it comes to VR it's much less controversial now. It's like we're past the innovation stage. Now we're at the implementation and scale phase. I think some parts of the market and the industry are just crushing it, especially the medical technology industry.” — Justin Barad [0:40:32]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Season 2, Episode 5: Show Notes.
The year 2022 is undeniably an interesting time to be a surgeon. Rapidly advancing technology combined with an explosive rate of newer and safer surgical techniques has made it almost impossible for surgeons to stay abreast of all options available. Osso VR CEO and Founder Justin Barad calls this the 'exploration trap' and joins us today to discuss how he has dedicated his career to tackling this problem and revolutionizing how surgeons train and prepare for surgery.
In this episode, we explore the challenges surgeons face around the world and how Osso VR is inspiring healthcare professionals at scale through virtual training experiences that accelerate learning and drive adoption. You’ll also hear Justin reflect on his varied career, what it was like pivoting from game design to medical school, and how it all led him to the founding of Osso VR. Make sure you tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
“Training repeatedly over time is a way to maximize retention and minimize what's called ‘the forgetting curve.’” — Justin Barad [0:11:21]
“Startups are an exercise in failure. It is daily micro failures, and every now and then a major failure. That is what prunes the tree, and finds product-market fit, and finds this glowing core that is scalable, and that you can use to solve the problem.” — Justin Barad [0:26:15]
“I think when it comes to VR it's much less controversial now. It's like we're past the innovation stage. Now we're at the implementation and scale phase. I think some parts of the market and the industry are just crushing it, especially the medical technology industry.” — Justin Barad [0:40:32]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: